Monday, February 26, 2007

Know What You're Eating

You need to know what you are eating when you go to fast food restaurants. That's the only way you can begin to make healthier choices about the food you eat. To help you out with this, the amount of trans fat in some fast food meals are listed in the Trans Fat article below. The link to "Calorie Counter" will take you to a site that easily allows you to find out how many calories your favourite fast food meals have. Please keep in mind that the suggested amount of calories to consume per day is around 2000, depending on your age, gender, and physical activity.

Apart from fast food, you need to be aware that the unhealthy ingredients that are found in those meals might also appear in other foods. Although it is true that the food that is sold in grocery stores cannot exceed a certain amount of trans fat (according to rules that fast food restaurants are not required to follow), that doesn't mean you can't consume too much fat from that food as well. When you are looking at food labels, trans fat can be listed as hydrogenated vegetable oil of any kind, partially hydrogenated oils, vegetable oil shortening, or vegetable margarine, such as canola margarine (this refers to margarines used by food manufacturers; some margarines on store shelves are now non-hydrogenated).

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