Monday, February 26, 2007

Making Healthier Choices

The whole point of this is that people need to make better choices about factors concerning their health. People need to know what fast food restaurants are doing to them, and then they need to do something about it.

Since fast food restaurants are generally not good for your health, the obvious solution is to stop going to the restaurants so often. However, there are some fast food meals that are more healthy than others. Many fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King have introduced healthier choices to their menus. An example of this are the salads that you can usually get there. If you still want a burger when you go to McDonald's, take notice of the size of your meal. Smaller portions mean less trans fat and calories.

Don't feel guilty if you eat at a fast food place a few times every month. The idea is to only eat this kind of food in moderation and to try to eat the healthier items on the menu - or at least not to eat the worst ones.

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